Monday, February 2, 2009

What ever happened to....?

Okay, ignore the dashingly handsome man and adorable child in this picture. Instead focus on the tree in the background. Who remembers this tree? It was around for every occasion at the church, in later years it did not look so good, the affects of many a nursery child taking the rocks out of the bottom and youth clinging to its branches. I wonder where that old tree is now, maybe Jana could shed some light on this question for the ages....


Karli said...

I think it's up on the stage cause I'm pretty sure I've seen it make an appearance at a few receptions. J/K But I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. :)

Jana Jensen said...

Hey we agreed with a good old fashioned pinky swear that the subject would never be brought up. And in my defense when we are asked to clean the church I think it is up to the judgement of the individual cleaning how thourough the cleaning should be. I think when that tree met it demise that the pot holding the tree was also holding used gum, crumpled tithing slips and all manner of evil. Was it a garbage can or just garbage? Anyway, keep your lips tight, I could get in big trouble for it's demise from people who just like to hoard. Come to think of it, Has anyone checked Mom's upstairs closet?